
「カダフィの追放の本当の原因:金貨の野望か? 」Real Cause for Gaddafi's Expulsion: Wanted Gold Currency?

Real Cause for Gaddafi's Expulsion: Wanted Gold Currency?
Thursday, May 05, 2011 – by Russia Today

「カダフィの追放の本当の原因:金貨の野望か? 」
2011年5月5日(木曜日) - 『ロシア・トゥディ』紙

Some believe it [the NATO/US-led Libyan invasion] is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi's plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.
[NATO /米国主導のリビア侵攻]は民間人を保護するためであると信ずる者があり、いや、それは石油のためだ、と言う者もある。しかし、リビア介入(侵攻)の理由は、カダフィが真の富の共有となる統一アフリカ統一通貨としてのディーナール金貨を導入しようと計画していたために他ならないと確信している者もいる。

Gaddafi did not give up. In the months leading up to the military intervention, he called on African and Muslim nations to join together to create this new currency that would rival the dollar and euro. They would sell oil and other resources around the world only for gold dinars.

It is an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.

"If Gaddafi had an intent to try to re-price his oil or whatever else the country was selling on the global market and accept something else as a currency or maybe launch a gold dinar currency, any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks," says Anthony Wile, founder and Chief Editor of the Daily Bell.

"So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward from moving him from power."

And it has happened before.

In 2000, Saddam Hussein announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros, not dollars. Some say sanctions and an invasion followed because the Americans were desperate to prevent OPEC from transferring oil trading in all its member countries to the euro.

A gold dinar would have had serious consequences for the world financial system, but may also have empowered the people of Africa, something black activists say the US wants to avoid at all costs.

Some say the US and its NATO allies literally could not afford to let that happen.
ある者が言うには、米国とそのNATO同盟国には文字通りその実現を許す余裕が無かったのである。 (了)


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